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How Teensherpa Will Walk Your Student Through Your College Application Process—Including those Daunting Essays

College essays and the college application process often feels overwhelming. At Teensherpa, our team of experts will guide you through the college essay writing process and make your application stand out, even to the most competitive colleges.

We hone in on what makes your student unique and help craft a compelling and original college essay that will strengthen their application. No matter their writing skill, Teensherpa’s academic life coaching can help your student convey their greatest strengths and points of interest to maximize their chance of acceptance. Let’s explore what exactly makes a standout college essay. 

What do colleges look for in an essay?

Your teen has done the work, now it's time to show off their achievements with the help of academic life coaching

high schooler writing paper in stairwell
A college essay is an opportunity for your teen to shine.

Colleges focus on what your essays show about you and your personal qualities, values, and strengths. So the trick is to SHOW who you are through your essay rather than TELLING who you are. By showing who you are through your essay, a college admissions department can see you as a person, rather than just a transcript, list of accomplishments and extracurricular activities. Not every student is an expert writer, and that's where we come in to help. With Teen Sherpa academic life coaching, your student will be able to craft an essay that demonstrates to colleges who they are and what they have to offer.

Why do students tend to struggle with college essays?

Often the most dreaded part of the application process, many students struggle to present themselves in essay form

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Creating a personal essay is difficult, let Teensherpa help your teen do their very best.

Applying to colleges is a lot of pressure for students. Often the pressure to make an application perfect prevents students from starting their college essay. Some may feel they have nothing to write about, while others feel that they can’t decide on just one narrative. All too often, students have trouble coming up with a compelling personal story.

There are also other reasons that the college essay seems daunting. Many students do not feel confident in their writing skills or may suffer from anxiety about sharing such personal stories. Luckily, at Teen Sherpa, our experts can help teens reach a breakthrough in their writing. If your student has trouble paying attention as a symptom of ADD or ADHD, we specialize in helping students keep their focus while improving their writing. 

The Teensherpa Approach: Alexandra’s Story

Our unique approach to college essay writing can make all the difference in your teen’s application process

With the help of Teensherpa, Alexandra found her way to her dream school.

What makes Teensherpa’s approach different? With a quick learning style assessment our team will evaluate your student’s learning and writing style. We will then create a customized and systematic approach to the personal statement essay, as well as any supplemental essays, for each college application. The Teensherpa team will then break down the application process into smaller tasks and create a detailed timeline for your student. After Teensherpa academic life coaching your student will feel relieved, in control of their applications, and reassured by their choice of colleges.

Our method of working at a regular and predictable intervals will help your student be better able to achieve their overall educational goals.

Alexandra was having a difficult time starting her Common App essay. She could not come up with a topic and was experiencing consistent writer’s block whenever she sat down to write.

Teensherpa assessed her learning style and recognized that she was a visual learner. Therefore, our essay team used a specialized approach to brainstorming and to starting the essay writing process. Our team of experts helped Alexandra work through the initial anxiety she had about starting the essays. After working with Teen Sherpa, Alexandra felt confident about her Common App and supplemental essays and was accepted to her top 4 college choices. She finally decided to attend USC. 

She felt especially reassured about her application because of Teensherpa’s customized approach to the Common App, essay writing process, and the ease with which she was able to write strong essays in just a few weeks.

If your teen is struggling with their college application essays, let Teensherpa guide your teen through the college application process with our academic life coaching program. We will help your student get organized and ease any anxieties you may have about the college essay process. Let’s get the process started! Summer is the best time to get organized for the fall application season! 

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