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Why Your Teen Needs a College Counselor in 2025

Getting into college is only getting harder. Luckily, the right college counselor can improve your teen’s chances of attending their dream school.

With every passing year, the odds of getting into one’s dream college– or almost any college– seem to be ever-dwindling. 

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the number of college applications has increased by over 150% in the past two decades, despite the number of graduating high school students remaining relatively unchanged. And in just the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has invited an even greater influx of college applications, with the implementation of test-optional policies and the reevaluation of legacy applicants drastically disrupting the college admissions landscape. 

The result? College admissions officers – in their struggle to process countless college applications – are spending less time reviewing each applicant. And that can only mean one thing: to get into the school they want, your teen needs to know how to stand out. 

The counselors here at Teensherpa can help your teen stand out and improve their chances of attending their dream school.

Beating the odds: benefits of hiring a college counselor

It is no secret that a GPA of 3.75 or above and a few significant extracurricular activities can improve your teen's chances of acceptance to one of the top 20 universities in the US and abroad. But what are these extracurriculars and what is the best way to craft your narrative? How can a student really stand out amongst the thousands of students who have nearly perfect grades and test scores?

With many colleges now practicing a “holistic” admissions process –– i.e. an evaluation process that extends past grades and test scores –– it can be difficult to know what colleges truly value in an applicant (not to mention, this can vary at every school your teen applies to!). 

Take this recent quote by Emily Engelschall, an associate vice chancellor of enrollment services at UC Riverside. When asked what part of a college application is most important, she said:

“It’s not about what is more important…it’s really about what the student is telling us.” 

Your teen may look at this statement and have no idea how to craft their college application. Fortunately, this is where a college counselor can come in!

The best college counselors keep a finger on the pulse amidst ever-changing admissions protocols, allowing their students to put their best foot forward when submitting an application to the school ( or schools) of their dreams. 

With a qualified college counselor in their back pocket, your teen will be able to:

  • Understand what types of colleges suit their needs. 
  • Choose where to apply with confidence. 
  • Craft an application according to the latest college admissions trends and insights.
  • Share their story through impactful college essays.   
  • All while minimizing stress along the way.
Want to learn more? Set up a free consultation with us!

How Teensherpa can guide your teen’s college search

At Teensherpa, we’re committed to getting your teen into a great college through our holistic approach to college counseling, admissions strategy, and career planning. 

By analyzing their inherent strengths, passions, and weaknesses, our college counselors will help your student create a compelling, original profile to stand out from the crowd at the school of their dreams. And we have the results to show for it:

  • 95% of our students are admitted to one of their top three colleges.
  • 98% of our students report feeling significantly relieved, motivated, and focused on a path forward after working with Teen Sherpa.
  • 97% of Teen Sherpa students are students extremely happy with their college choice and stay until they graduate.

Want to learn more? Send us a message here to set up a free consultation. 


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